Thursday, October 16, 2014

Why religion is bad for human race?

Religion has been a big part of human lives since time immemorial. Being raised in a religious family since childhood, I had also been religious for a long part of my life, before I started thinking logically about things. Let us try to look at the reasons as to why our species would be better off without religion and religious institutions.

Promotes servility and excessive obedience
All religions and religious institutions promote feelings of servility and obedience to authority since the very childhood. It is also a way of ensuring that people don’t challenge the beliefs later on and blindly follow whatever is told to them. Excessive servility is bad for progress as it is a hindrance to free thought and developing a questioning, rational mindset. And all scientific progress, the basis of human development depends upon these qualities.

Biggest Cause of Sexual Repression in Human Beings
All religions show sex in a bad light and portray it as evil. This is very bad for our species. Science says that sexual repression is very bad for our mental and physical development. And religion is the biggest cause of sexual repression amongst humans. Many people are not able to live a full and satisfied sexual life because of the stigma religion has attached with sex. Time we get rid of this nonsense.

Religion is a big cause of the plight of women globally
All religions talk about women as the inferior sex and portray them as second class to men. This has encouraged oppressions, injustices and crimes against women for centuries now, all across the world. Women’s rights have not been as badly hurt by any other phenomenon as religion. Many religions even treat women badly and approve violence as a means to control and dominate them. Time that women recognise this fact!

Encourages stupidity and delusional thinking
Many of the things religions preach on various issues are downright stupid and insulting to human intelligence. The religious account of the creation of life by most religions says that God created one of each species at the beginning of time and left them to propagate on earth. The theory of evolution has proved that life has gradually evolved on the planet from one species to another over the course of nearly four billion years. Now, what would you believe?

The God Delusion
Religion tells us to pray and obey God, an all powerful and all loving God who is omniscient and omnipresent. If that is the case, what was that all loving God doing for the first 99,800 years of human existence of the planet, when most of us used to die young of disease, hunger, poverty or natural disasters. Our average life span was a mere 20 years around 1800, and scientific and biological developments since then have ensured that the average lifespan today is around 75 years. What was our sweet Lord doing for all this time?

Also, if God is there, why is there so much of suffering on the planet. Why millions and millions of people die every year due to natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, etc? Why millions die every year of disease, poverty and wars in the name of religion. Surely an all powerful being could have stopped all this? Think over these questions. Clearly there is no such being, and our destiny lies in our and our hands only.

Future Outlook
It would be safe to say that our future and present both would be much better off without religion. Science and living in reality would be a much better way to lead life, than living in a false belief of a fairy world somewhere which can solve our problems and end our sufferings. The time is not far when there would be no religion. The earth would be a much better place without it.